
Drift Naked
heres the deal
post pics of your mug during no shave november and who ever grows the most epic beard in 30 or so days when november is over will
ok so that means we have to shave now since its the 1st and start growing from there??¿¿
I like this! I need to take a pic of mine.

Downdrifter needs to post up his beard. Shit is epic!
If you guys are serious about doing this, then IMO this is how the contest should go:

1. You must shave today and post a photo of yourself shaven with some kind of proof of todays date.
2. On December 1st you must post of photo of your beard with some kind of proof of the date.

1. No haircare products allowed.
2. Automatic disqualification if Photoshop or some other kind of photo editing software is used.
3. Pasting hair onto your face is not allowed.

I'll talk to BG to see if he can put up a photo of the winner on BeardLife. If not then we'll come up with something else.

its not about a REAL beard its about no shave november and supporting the beard movement. ill shave and post a pic tonight sometime. i think the winner should be sent either a free beardlife shirt or sticker
i want a sticker but im definitely not winning lol. 20 years young and i seem to be cursed with a thin beard syndrome haha. i'll do it anyway
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